SWOS membership is available to all career grade ophthalmologists working in the South West of England and South Wales. Ophthalmologists in training grades are eligable for Associate Membership.
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The South West Glaucoma Group meets annually.
The meeting consisted of invited talks by guest speakers and case presentations from the region which always provoke vigorous discussion. In the evening there was an informal dinner in a local restaurant.
Morning Regional Registrar Teaching
09:00 Mr Adam Booth (Royal Eye Infirmary, Plymouth) Medical Treatment of Glaucoma
09:45 Mr Jonathan Rossiter (Musgrove Park Hospital) Basic Trabeculectomy Techniques
10:15 Mr Michael Smith (Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital) Tube Surgery
11:00 Morning break with refreshments
11:30 Registrar Presentations* Registrars invited to present interesting cases for a prize
13:00 Lunch and Pharmaceutical displays
14:00 Miss Winnie Nolan (Moorfields Eye Hospital) Angle Closure : Management updates
14:30 Miss Divya Matthews (Stanley Eye Unit, Abergele ) Viscocanalostomy: Is it a safe and effective procedure?
15:00 Refreshment and Pharmaceutical displays
15:30 Mr Nicholas Strouthidis ( Moorfields Eye Hospital) Management of Hypotony/ OCT and Glaucoma
16:15 Case Presentations Members of the audience are invited to present interesting cases that pose management dilemmas.
17:00 Meeting closes
19:00 Evening meal for presenters
Many thanks to the sponsors for this meeting
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